REVEREND FATHERS! Epiphany is coming: We have special blessings we can use!

Remember that you can bless Epiphany Water, and chalk, and gold, frankincense and myrrh, and houses….

Lot’s of cool Catholic stuff can be done on Epiphany!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. asperges says:

    Blessing of chalk with which to mark the lintels of one’s home is doubtless a mediaeval custom, but like giving Christmas presents, eating a “galette des rois” for Epiphany, covering crosses in the home for Passiontide, making Easter eggs and taking a blessed rose home on the feast of the Holy Rosary, they all give a simple gesture to our Faith.

    One of the great faults of recent changes has been to make the Faith too cerebral and abstract: processions, outward signs, sacramentals still have their place. Marking lintels with blessed chalk is in fact reminiscent of the Chosen People and the Passover; when Holy Week comes, a child can easily see the connection – “we did that at home” – and adults too. It is the simple things that we remember, not always the complex.

  2. Supertradmum says:

    We did this at home. Great photo, but you are cheating….need a new one!

  3. Legisperitus says:

    This raises a couple of questions for me personally, if anyone cares to answer. I once asked a priest to bless my house during Paschal time, which he did… but by his personal choice he did the Epiphany blessing, with the chalk and everything. So I wonder if anyone has an informed guess:

    1. Was this blessing “valid” outside of Epiphany time?

    2. If so, is the Epiphany blessing as “good” as the Paschal house blessing, or should I still try to get the Paschaltide blessing for the house?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. We use the blessed chalk. I love Sacramentals!

  5. tealady24 says:

    Of course this is where all the ill-informed get their “hocus-pocus” from where Catholics are concerned. These are very beautiful traditions; we always did the blessed chalk. Also, using holy water is very important to me.
    Jesus didn’t say ‘deliver us from evil’ for nothin’!

  6. irishgirl says:

    I saw the Epiphany over-the-door-lintels inscription when I went to the Franciscans of the Immaculate friary in Maine, NY last month. I was waiting in line for confession in the vestibule and I happened to look up and see it. Pretty cool!
    Wonder if it can be done if the lintels are painted?

  7. Joseph-Mary says:

    Hello Irish Girl!
    I also learned of the Epiphany blessing from visiting the Franciscans of the Immaculate–in New Bedford. I had never seen the chalk inscriptions over the door before in my life. And now I have my blessed chalk and some leftover Epiphany holy water and will be doing a house blessing this Friday, January 6th.

    You must live near Binghamton? How I love going to Mt. St. Francis! I have been several times; it is a slice of heaven.

  8. asperges says:

    @legisperitus: No-one seems to be answering your query. A blessing is a blessing, I would have thought; it doesn’t have a “sell by” date. But those appointed for specific purposes or seasons are there for a reason. The blessing of a house with the new water of Holy Saturday is meant for Paschaltide. There is a specific ritual for blessing of a house at any time. Blessing of the throats on St Blaise’s day is meant for that day, but I imagine it could be used at any other time, should the need arise.

    Perhaps the answer is to engage a liturgically-minded priest for such events then you wouldn’t need to worry.

  9. Ioannes Andreades says:

    What would be a fair amount of monetary remuneration for a priest coming to bless the house?

  10. Legisperitus says:

    @asperges: Thanks. It did take me by surprise, since this priest was generally the say-the-black, do-the-red sort.

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